Religion News Service

By this Author

Muslim refugees to US are declining as Christians overtake them

At least 6 Hindu pilgrims killed in militant attack in Indian Kashmir

Reformed churches endorse Catholic-Lutheran accord on key Reformation dispute

Experts say Hobby Lobby must have known it was illegally importing artifacts

Auschwitz officials chastise Rep. Clay Higgins for gas chamber video

President Trump promises support to military, evangelicals at Fourth of July event

Car-care ministries a growing niche in midsize cities

Half sib? Welcome. Fiance? Not so fast. New travel ban rules decried as illogical

Pope Francis defrocks Italian priest convicted of child sex abuse

Controversial Ten Commandments monument built on Arkansas state capitol grounds

Supreme Court travel ban ruling: What it means

Supreme Court rules for Missouri church in 'playground' case

Supreme Court will hear religious liberty challenge to gay weddings

Judge blocks deportation of Chaldeans and other Iraqis

No major US religious groups approve refusing service to gays

Evangelical leaders push for criminal justice reform

Religious and indigenous leaders seek to save rainforests

Van rams worshippers leaving London mosque; Prime minister calls it a 'sickening' terrorist attack

Nice guy or tough guy? The two faces of Pope Francis

India court affirms priests' right to property despite poverty oath

