Religion News Service

By this Author

Pence defends Trump as a champion of Catholic values

Religiously affiliated hospitals win Supreme Court pension case

Mormon church to ask its missionaries: How safe do you feel?

A saint's brain is stolen and Catholics pray for its return

Religious leaders shocked by attack on Ramadan and Pentecost

At Cannes, Wim Wenders talks about making movies that matter

50 years later, Jews debate the ethics of Israel's 1967 victory

Trump administration asks Supreme Court to reinstate travel ban

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia intensifies and targets children

Trump's evangelical supporters disappointed about Israel embassy decision

Trump administration reversing Obamacare’s birth control mandate

Catholic farmer ousted from Michigan market over same-sex marriage views

NJ mosque wins $3.25 million in settlement of discrimination case

As major cities crack down on panhandling, people of faith wrestle with their consciences

Manchester's Muslims fear backlash after concert attack

Appeals court rules against President Trump's revised travel ban

VW's 'dieselgate' poses ethical challenge for German Protestants

Women bloggers spark an evangelical 'crisis of authority'

Pope Francis goes door-to-door to bless families in beach town

Since ban, persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses is 'worse than ever'

