Religion News Service

By this Author

Pope Francis seeks forgiveness from clergy abuse victims

Ken Starr on shortlist to head Office of International Religious Freedom

Collecting human rights prize, Yazidi lawmaker calls travel ban ‘unfair’

Vatican defends including China at organ-trafficking summit

Trump interview throws spotlight on Christian broadcaster

Australian archbishop: 'As Catholics, we hang our heads in shame'

In Kenya, a pastor fights female genital mutilation with the gospel

SNAP founder quits in second major loss for abuse advocacy group following lawsuit

Few see Christianity as very important to be ‘truly American’

Yazidi human rights leader won’t be able to pick up her award

Severe drought brings starving Kenyans to church doorsteps

5 faith facts on Trump's presumed favorites for Supreme Court

March for Life buoyant over Trump's anti-abortion promises

Trump statement on Holocaust remembrance does not mention Jews

Archbishop Chaput slams Trump critics, says Notre Dame should honor the president

Does Trump's presidency signal the end of the 'American Century'?

Native Americans condemn Trump's executive action on pipeline

Ohio mosque is first to join sanctuary movement

Trump sworn in amid protests and a large assortment of clergy

Prosperity, heresy and Trump: Inauguration pastor Paula White answers her critics

