Religion News Service

By this Author

Chaldean archbishop urges Iraqi Catholics to stay and help rebuild

Catholic bishops urge Congress to preserve health care coverage

My prayer on Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Lord, forgive us the sin of patience

McDonald's next to Vatican to offer free meals to the homeless

Bomb threats called in to 16 Jewish community centers in one day

In his own words: President Obama on faith

The Obama presidency: 'War on religion' or 'Amazing Grace'?

New video of kidnapped priest raises hopes, concerns

Religious makeup of the new Congress overwhelmingly Christian

Chinese senior party official: Catholics in China should integrate into socialist society

Top 5 'heresies' of 2016: 'One God,' biblical authority and more

A Q-and-A with Fr. Antonio Spadaro, a Jesuit who has the pope’s ear

While Francis frustrates foes with silence, Fr. Antonio Spadaro nails them with tweets

A frugal pope buys his own shoes

A depressing year of religion news

Trump's surprise election tops religion news stories of 2016

PBS show 'Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly' to end after 20-year run

France will soon have a new crime: online obstruction of abortion

Jews at top of class in first-ever global study of religion and education

Assaults on Muslim women force some to rethink hijab

