
Philippine clergy, advocates say human rights dying under Duterte

Francis tells 500 theologians world needs 'renewed leadership'

Bishop Barron calls for evangelization, apologetics in upcoming youth synod

Woman refused Communion after ordination to diaconate

Eastern Europe's church still rallies to call of 'Humanae Vitae'

U.S. church officials favor balance of priests, laity in marriage prep

Links for 7/26/18

Trial pending for priest accused of embezzling $5 million from parish

Editorial: Addressing abuse, church must address the betrayal of community

Chilean cardinal called to testify for suspected abuse cover-up

O'Malley: 'Specific actions' needed now to address claims against cardinal

Irish sex abuse survivors say Francis should admit to Vatican's cover-up

Parish roundup: Catholic-Muslim relations; priests engaging social culture

Brownback opens religious freedom summit with plea to fight persecution

Cardinal Tagle laments deaths of innocent people in Philippines

Cardinal Farrell expresses shock over Cardinal McCarrick abuse case

Indonesia passes anti-terrorism law after suicide attacks on churches

Trump is leading an anti-democratic assault on the U.S.

Justice Action Bulletin: Catholic worker among protestors breaching nuclear weapons bunker

New credible fear guidelines cast uncertainty on asylum seekers coming to US
