
Links: Cupich's Vatican visit, cultural commentary and a KC Chiefs hero

Francis, the comic strip

Love in a time of insurrection: St. Augustine on the unity of the American people

Liberal Catholics and the temptation of sectarianism

New book says 'unalienated labor' is what makes art, art

In the Bible and US history, we need to look at all the pictures

Pro-life and pro-choice Catholics should work together — with President Biden — to reduce abortion demand

The Vatican and Pax Christi International think big on peace

Your thoughts on Catholics being conned by Donald Trump

On abortion, both Biden and the pro-life movement lack moral consistency

We must revive the heart of our nation: working families

Editorial: It's time for the Vatican to investigate the US bishops' conference

Liberal Catholicism: We've been here all along

Links: Latin love, a more just economy and Trump lapdogs

Francis, the comic strip

The Francis Effect podcast: Inauguration, dueling bishop declarations, and the 1776 Commission

Biden, Communion and the functional schism in the US church

With vaccinations, an army of gray volunteers is coming

A place for us: on being gay in the priesthood

Links: Canceling untruths; censures show which way the wind blows
