
Copy Desk Daily, Feb. 20, 2020

Why I signed the letter asking Barr to resign

Book on Civil War era activists has parallels to present moment

Integral ecology requires a larger 'seamless garment'

Copy Desk Daily, Feb. 19, 2020

We need to say 'no' to the dominance of money in politics, philanthropy, culture

Synod theologian: Francis' Amazon exhortation creates a new moment for Latin America

Good news and not-so-good news in Francis' Amazon exhortation

I found God in the pain of my brother's suicide

Activists killed in Mexican state where illegal logging threatens butterflies

Links for 2/18/20

In 'Querida Amazonia,' Francis' sacramental imagination stops short of women

Copy Desk Daily, Feb. 18, 2020

As caucus hoopla subsides, remember these heroic Iowans

Buying the nomination is exactly what Bloomberg is trying to do

Copy Desk Daily, Feb. 17, 2020

Pope Francis punts on married priests

Australian believers' response to bushfires only the beginning

In bone-chilling numbers, femicides in Mexico are a national emergency

Your thoughts on author and speaker Matthew Kelly
