
Four powers the pope needs to grant the new chief of Vatican finances

Home for a visit, a year after leaving the church

Love separates the social justice advocate from social justice warrior

Links for 11/21/19

Francis, the comic strip

Copy Desk Daily, Nov. 21, 2019

Students lobby Congress on DACA and global warming

I'd be skeptical if I were you

Lenny Duncan, Lutheran pastor, calls on Christianity to revolutionize

US billionaires will back anyone who isn't Warren, Sanders

Copy Desk Daily, Nov. 20, 2019

Editorial: Respond with outrage to the president who pardons war criminals

Why I haven't left the church

Links for 11/19/19

Francis, the comic strip

Copy Desk Daily, Nov. 19, 2019

District of Champions: The Nationals gave DC a much-needed win

US bishops are not really that interested in forming consciences

Copy Desk Daily, Nov. 18, 2019

Francis' biggest reform is to shift church from Eurocentric to universal
