
Individual actions are good, but systemic change can save the planet

Day 1's executive actions signal Biden climate position

Network connects indigenous knowledges in the Arctic and U.S. southwest

Biden to enter White House with Cabinet stocked with climate advocates

'There is no vaccine for climate change,' U.N. environment chief says

EarthBeat Weekly: Fossil fuels fade, but pipeline protests persist

Stopping the last tar sands pipeline will take all of us

We're approaching critical climate tipping points: Q&A with Tim Lenton

Time of the Hunger Moon: saints, wolves and the global pandemic

EarthBeat Weekly: Racial inequality colors response to environmental protests

2021 seen as a year to make up lost ground on climate change

Creighton University to divest fully from fossil fuels within 10 years

EarthBeat Weekly: Environmental justice, action, spirituality among top themes for 2021

Cross-shaped solar array lights up Mundelein Seminary for New Year

Extreme heat, wildfires, storms marked advance of climate change in 2020

Meet the 20-somethings advising the UN chief on how to save Planet Earth

Divestments and investments, COVID-19 and climate justice: EarthBeat's most read stories of 2020

EarthBeat Weekly: In Amazonian Nativity scenes, Jesus is born in midst of everyday life

Christmas comes in Honduras amid post-hurricane devastation

Simple Advent, Abundant Life: Jesus as model of simple living
