
UN secretary general: Without the US in the Paris Agreement, humanity faces climate 'suicide'

Simple Advent, Abundant Life: What do you value most?

Simple Advent, Abundant Life: simplicity of time

Court rulings stall controversial plastics factory in Louisiana

Simple Advent, Abundant Life: the good life vs. the abundant life

Simple Advent, Abundant Life: beginning a journey to simplify

EarthBeat Weekly: In Advent, simple living brings abundant life

Forest therapy reawakens human connection to the natural world

Church aids tiny Colombian island's residents left homeless by hurricane

As Economy of Francesco ends, pope calls on the young to chart a new development model

Elderly Indian Jesuit says training, work help him cope in jail

EarthBeat Weekly: World's hunger for gold deadly for miners, environment

A better future: U.S. young adults join peers brainstorming on economy

Economy of Francesco imagines an inclusive, sustainable world

EU Catholic leaders urge tougher policies to protect Arctic

Sea level rise may erode development in Africa

'It has been completely disastrous': second hurricane hits Nicaragua

42 Catholic institutions to divest from fossil fuels, bring total to over 200

EarthBeat Weekly: Where will we go when home gets too hot?

Climate summit postponed, but action should ramp up, say advocates
