
Swiss churches back bill on corporate responsibility

EarthBeat Weekly: There's still time to act on climate change

Staring down climate despair through kinship

Around world, adults, children 'bear burden' of climate change, says nuncio

Predicted return of deadly locusts triggers fear in East Africa

Lessons from hurricanes

Oxfam: World's poor suffer from carbon emissions generated by the rich

Pope: Time is running out to fix economy, protect the Earth, help the poor

EarthBeat Weekly: Church awareness of Amazon destruction increasing, but still not enough, indigenous leaders say

World religions, UN unite for book on faith and action for the Earth

Impeded by pandemic crisis, dreams and goals of Amazon synod endure

'Creation needs Congress to act,' bishop tells US senators

A second Trump term would be 'game over' for the climate, says top scientist

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Time is short

Why is Francis of Assisi the patron saint of ecology?

EarthBeat Weekly: Following in St. Francis' footsteps as Season of Creation ends

Lens on Creation: Learning from ducks

Enfocando la Creación: Aprendiendo de los patos

Trump and Biden approach environmental protection from widely varying viewpoints

Video: Facebook Live on the environment and the election
