
A true ecological approach always becomes a social approach

NCR editorial: It's past time to step up to Laudato Si'

Laudato Si' takes root in Africa, but much urgent work remains

Director general confirms Vatican bank is not invested in fossil fuels

Bishops offer diverging takes on speed of Laudato Si' assimilation

Oceans are our planet's true lungs

Laudato Si' anniversary an opportunity to speak up, stand up, act up

Catholic leaders warn of humanitarian, environmental tragedy in Amazon

For encyclical anniversary, @billmckibben has an idea for @Pontifex

The power of soil

42 faith groups in 14 countries announce divestment from fossil fuels

Vatican office invites church on journey to 'total sustainability' in next decade

Former official doubts Vatican bank has fossil fuel investments

EarthBeat Weekly: Shifting the terms of the debate

Rejecting the throwaway culture

Here's what to expect for Laudato Si' Week as pope's ecology document turns five

Clergy: Urgency in pandemic response can apply to addressing climate change

The urgent challenge before us

Nonhuman animals and the COVID-19 pandemic

A lockdown routine from Mending Monday to Service Saturday
