
Following in the footsteps of St. Francis

EarthBeat Weekly: Pulitzers spotlight climate coverage

Nigerian bishop ranks migration a bigger issue than abortion, climate

Looking to an Indigenous flood story for lessons on grieving during the pandemic

Does the Covid crisis represent an opportunity for climate change? Here are four ways it might.

Landlord LA Archdiocese of little help in neighborhood's long fight to close toxic oil wells for good

EarthBeat Weekly: Throwaway plastics strike back amid the pandemic

World has 'historic' opportunity for green tech boost, says global watchdog

Laudato Si' at five: Some progress noted as anniversary goes digital

Lessons from a new teacher

If we're reimagining church, let's take it outside

EarthBeat Weekly: The story behind the story of an Earth Day unlike any other

Climate crisis will deepen the pandemic; A green stimulus plan can tackle both

Polish church warns of water shortages during pandemic

Kenya faces new health risk as floods, mudslide displace thousands

Editorial: Trump's assault on the environment tramples years of progress

At 50 years, Earth Day becomes a digital outpouring of urgent resolve

Creation is sacred gift deserving respect, care, pope says on Earth Day

Climate activists to emerge stronger from coronavirus crisis, says Greta Thunberg

An Earth Day activist looks back: How far have we come?
