
Pope, Latin American bishops urge action to save burning Amazon rainforest

Bangladesh flood victims reel as aid agencies struggle to respond

Sustainable land use urged to ease growing threats to food, water

Kenya wind farm welcomed, but indigenous wonder who benefits most

Mumbai Catholics open churches for thousands stranded by flooding

Minnesota churches move to bring 'Laudato Si' into parish life

Climate should be 'a central priority' for US church, says Bishop McElroy

Bishop McElroy on Laudato Si': An 'urgent summons' to the American people

Editorial: With the Earth in peril, we must act on behalf of God's creation

A sense of in between

Philippine bishops call for 'ecological conversion' amid climate crisis

Young people's activism is sign of hope for Earth, says Cardinal Turkson

Vatican City State set to end sale of single-use plastics

Catholic Charities to build D.C.'s largest solar array

Praising God for gift of creation leads to respect for it, pope says

Maggots may be a deus ex machina to save us from global warming

Amid climate threat, Catholics pursue ecological conversion in US church

A key question about the climate crisis: how to talk about it

Opponents of the pan-Amazon synod discard Catholic social doctrine

A Virginia parish switched to 100% solar power — and paid nothing
