
Residents of Philippines mining town protest reopening of coal mine

Rather than argue, try 'tell me more' with Thanksgiving hot-button discussions

US Catholics join pope in press for more ambitious climate action at COP23

Philippine church leaders urge Trudeau to take back toxic waste

Hurricane-ravaged dioceses still suffering, US bishops say

Global cooperation needed in response to climate change, pope says

Bishops urge Congress to allocate funds for U.N. climate change agency

COP23, led by island nation Fiji, aims to buoy urgency for climate action

Trump's environmental rollbacks lack 'moral compass,' Catholics say

Climate change is a threat to rich and poor alike

Feeling crisis fatigue? Here are 3 do's and 3 don'ts

Trump reportedly to cut size of Bears Ears, sacred to native tribes

Amid hurricane's devastation, Puerto Ricans' spirit seen shining through

Nature has resilience and so do students and all humans

Caritas Mexico raises $900,000 after September quakes

Pax Christi to honor indigenous activists with 2017 peace award in Rome

Catholic organizations, groups actively working on Puerto Rico's recovery

Priests lead campaign against mining in rural areas of Colombia

Pope announces Synod of Bishops dedicated to people in Amazon

Neighborhood fears renewed oil drilling at site leased from LA Archdiocese
