NCR Voices

Francis has opened the Vatican's top leadership to women. Are lay cardinals next?

French election won't hinge on Catholics, but left-leaning voters

Links: Sen. Warren on midterms; a pro-life former Democrat; Texas border politics

Lessons learned from a Lent without Twitter or Facebook

GOP Sen. Rick Scott has thrown the Democrats a lifeline. Will they grab it?

Links: Conservatives' fight with Disney; the problem with book bans; a Mormon open house

Frustration with German Synodal Path should not derail path of synodality

Links: Starbucks' union fight; overheated inflation; New York skyscrapers

Holy Thursday is a Christian Passover, when we remember who we are

Entering the paschal mystery to encounter Jesus

What I've learned from a Lenten practice of listening to people who disagree with me

Links: Machiavellian McConnell; French runoff; nuclear testing cleanup

Celebrating — and imitating — the labor victory at Amazon

Holy Week pain, Easter hope in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the suffering challenges our faith

Links: Ballot counting turmoil; fractured French politics; Cathonomics

History of Churchill as a military man sheds light on moral challenges today

The church needs to name and confront 'clerical fragility'

Links: Georgia governor's race; Amazon unionizer; Notre Dame back to game day Mass

Here's hoping DC's new Catholic University president charts a new course
