NCR Voices

Links: Clean Water Act at risk; Hall of Famer memories; another reason to love librarians

Can a snowplow metaphor help white Catholics understand racial privilege?

Religious leaders critical to success of Puerto Rico debt restructuring

Links: Dorothy Day's canonization controversies; money in politics; smog over the Olympics

Catholic bishops fight Biden but affirm his election

More Catholics behaving badly: Making Jesus weep!

Clinging to a consistent ethic of life remains a moral imperative

Gay Catholics refuse to give up on a church that too often gave up on them

Links: EWTN radio affiliate offensive on MLK; greed in US health care; 'Is a Schism on the Horizon?'

As Pope Francis' critics vent their anger, what comes out is vaccine disinformation

The divides in the GOP are worse than those the Dems face

Links: Who shares fake news; Supreme Court vaccine decisions; and coach Brian Kelly’s crazy salary

What Howard Thurman can teach Catholics about responding to racism today

What did Pope Francis really say about cancel culture?

Archbishop Wester enriches church teaching with letter on nuclear disarmament

Links: Embassy priest in video; Western paganism; kudos for KC mayor

Mark, a Gospel for Ordinary Time

Links: Francis' critics distort past popes; filibuster myths; praise for Merrick Garland

How dark money prostitutes the US church and distorts Catholicism

Pope's comments are about more than pets. They reinforce the church's narrow view on reproduction and marriage.
