NCR Voices

Gomez, painting Catholics as victims, goes after his woke oppressors

Archbishop Gomez's comments reveal anti-intellectualism among church leaders

Biden has won big on infrastructure; now he needs to sell it

Links: A defense of EWTN; post-election blame game; threats to school board members

Instead of embracing John XXIII's hope, Archbishop Gomez projects doom

Democrats best not hit snooze after elections provided wake-up call

We used to look to religion for truth. It's no match for Donald Trump's TRUTH.

Links: Cardinal Cupich on the Latin Mass; QAnon craziness; and 'Dirty Jobs'

US bishops to choose culture war or communion in Baltimore

Links: Big Pharma fearmongering; Mark Zuckerberg's Meta; antisemitism on the left

California bishops should ask, 'What would Junipero Serra do?'

Virginia governor's race could be a wake-up call for Democrats

Biden's revealing of the pope's words on Communion was impolitic, but forgivable

Time to scrutinize Facebook's algorithms — and what social media do to us

Links: Francis channels his predecessors; fact checking political ads; supply chain problems

What will President Biden and Pope Francis talk about?

When Biden meets with Francis, some heads will explode

Rediscovering awe and wonder in the miracles of everyday life

Links: Latino voters in Virginia; Missouri's MAGA warrior; flying on French-fry fuel

What if you experience harm instead of healing in the confessional?
