Soul Seeing

The joy of turtles

Tend to what repulses you

I found God in the pain of my brother's suicide

The gift of staring at your shoes

Christ has no body on earth but yours

The gift of five No. 1 steel knitting needles

Let it snow, let it snow, let me see

The materialism of Santa Claus and the spirituality of Baby Jesus

I believe in love even when I do not feel it

Hope for creation never runs dry

Lazarus at our gate

God calls us to show up, be present

St. Francis, as well as a cat, helped me understand the souls of animals

Stopping to smell the flowers in East Africa

A voice from the past: 'That talk in your office changed my life'

St. Bernadette's rib opened something

Reflective writing's call is to pay attention, to be awake and aware

I'm breathing my way past the 'prison' of the internet

How do you get Mother Teresa to stop praying?

In the holiness of beauty, a glimpse of God shines through
