Soul Seeing

My 90-year-old mother falls, caught in the eye of apocalypse

Thank you, Jean Vanier, for teaching me to see

What's God got to do with it?

The Beatitudes in the Age of Me First

Like Paul, I was knocked off my horse and blinded

Deserve's got nothin' to do with it

Praying hands are begging hands

I saw Christ on the southern border

At 69, I still find grace and God on the basketball court

A simple story of a life well-lived

Gospel's poor widow is homeless in Vermont

Love leads to suffering, but we take the risk to love because we must

At Christmas, it's not the money that counts

Under a 2-foot-tall tree, I played out the drama of Jesus' coming

Jesus loved imperfect people

My pilgrimage to 365 churches on five continents in 365 days

Breaking up is hard to do

My immediate reaction was to back down

There's a baby in this bath water, and we must save her

God is the ocean in which we all swim
