Brian Roewe

Brian Roewe is NCR environment correspondent. Much of his reporting appears at EarthBeat, NCR's journalism initiative on faith and climate change. He has covered environmental issues for NCR since 2011. His reporting has earned multiple honors, including from the Religion News Association and Catholic Media Association. Brian began with NCR in November 2011, and is a graduate of Saint Louis University and Rockhurst University.

By this Author

At 10-year mark, Pope Francis seen as a global leader on the environment

Laudato Si' Movement leader to step down from global Catholic environmental network

Science institute partners with Vatican on guide to protect 'our living planet'

Two guides issued at COP15 help faith groups regrow forests, restore environment

Sisters of Loretto permanently preserve 650 acres of 'holy land' in Kentucky

Faith groups, environmental justice advocates urge EPA to go further in new soot pollution rules

How Catholic institutions are building sustainability into aging infrastructure

The first green pope: How Benedict's eco-theology paved the way for Francis

Nations secure a historic biodiversity deal on final day of COP15

Archbishop at COP15 emphasizes Indigenous rights at 'critical juncture' for nature

Indigenous leaders press for their land rights as COP15 debates ecosystem protection areas

At COP15, multifaith coalition delivers priorities to UN biodiversity chief

Religion has more than a moral role to play in protecting creation, faith groups say at COP15

Multifaith community mobilizes to preserve creation ahead of COP15 biodiversity summit

Last-minute COP27 deal on loss and damage called 'a real breakthrough'

No longer just an observer, Vatican looks to wield new status in UN climate talks

What is loss and damage?

Ahead of COP27, faith leaders back global treaty to end the use of fossil fuels

Bill McKibben urges climate alliance of young and old at Jesuit justice gathering

Catholic Relief Services campaign aims to engage US Catholics on climate change
