
On the Clean Water Act's 50th birthday, what should we celebrate?

REPAM launches 'I vote for the Amazon' campaign ahead of Brazil election

Group offers fellowship, forum for discussions of faith-science questions

Faith-based foodies don't stop at kosher or halal in search of sustainable eating

Faith leaders reassert critical role in confronting climate change ahead of Stockholm+50

Priests describe danger of famine in Kenya as bishops launch aid appeal

How Jesuit spirituality inspires, gives rise to great scientists

To protect the Earth and its people, religious orders invest in climate solutions

'When biodiversity flourishes, human life flourishes,' Vatican official says

Gore says climate crisis like 'nature hike right through the Book of Revelation'

Pope calls for united efforts in care for creation during Laudato Si' Week

Volunteers remove trees to restore San Antonio's only nature sanctuary

At 2022 commencement ceremonies, an ecological theme for several Catholic colleges

Book about villagers' need for clean water spurs student action

Vatican's major sustainability campaign the main focus of Laudato Si' Week 2022

9 million people die annually from 'overlooked' threat of pollution, says new health study

Brazil's bishops raise their voices against mining on Indigenous land

Faced with bishops' inaction, Canadian woman develops eco-investment toolkit

What does it mean to live well on an overheating planet?

Fire-ravaged New Mexico villages cling to faith, 'querencia'
