
Solar panels allow religious institutions to do well while doing good

EarthBeat Weekly: Laudato Si' Week envisions fossil fuel-free future

Creation Care Prayer Network launches to spur ecological conversion worldwide

Artist paints icons of endangered species to 'foster ecological conversion'

Vatican official: Church divestment from fossil fuels is 'moral imperative'

Petition launched to show Catholic support for healthy planet, people

Review of US bishops' investment guidelines is underway

Inside the campaign to divest the Catholic Church from fossil fuels

Indian Jesuit, 84, transferred to hospital after health deteriorates

Bishops say carbon tax is an 'eminently doable' climate solution

John Kerry, US climate envoy, meets pope and speaks at Vatican conference

How Jersey City middle schoolers stopped a flood

EarthBeat Weekly: Amid climate change, a week to commit to caring for our common home

Catholic action on environment set for massive multiplication this Laudato Si' Week

Greta Thunberg on her gap year climate change tour, Joe Biden, and turning 18

Indigenous people's lives depend on their lands, but threats are growing worldwide

Amazon bishops say bill threatens Brazil's Indigenous peoples and forest

Shut in, locked down, no green space? Six tips to connect with nature

Future tech requires regulations and balanced ties to creation, author says

EarthBeat Weekly: Most of the world's people are caught in an 'ecological poverty trap'
