
How to bring Laudato Si' into your wardrobe

God's plan for animals is a hot topic in theology that we can all understand

Sen. Warnock: Biden's infrastructure plan can help repair America's divisions

Couple's self-designed house helps keep carbon footprint small

In Bangladesh, Catholics plant Laudato Si' trees to buffer against storms

A plant-based diet is about much more than not harming animals

EarthBeat Weekly: Continuing challenge for people of faith: turning climate concern into action

Marquette students call for fossil fuel divestment

Webinar explores worldview 'collision' when missionaries go to the Amazon

Befriending the 'smallest and slimiest' of God's creatures

Bishop McElroy: US and Vatican can work together on vaccine distribution

What Biden got right in his approach to climate change

Can faith leaders shift public opinion toward climate action?

EarthBeat Weekly: Earth Day treaty seeks to protect environmental defenders in Latin America

Pope Francis, in Earth Day messages, warns 'we are at the edge' on climate change

Now playing: Pope Francis' ecological encyclical set to music

Biden’s climate duo of Kerry and McCarthy puts U.S. back in global warming fight

This Earth Day, Jane Goodall continues to shape the narrative

Jane Goodall with Vatican cardinal: Human survival depends on biodiversity

As Earth Day approaches, US bishops call Catholics to do their part
