
Second Catholic climate conference looks to build more momentum among US church

Catholics in Argentina speak out against mining and other extractive industries

Honduran Jesuit: Conviction in Cáceres murder breaks 'tradition of impunity'

EarthBeat Weekly: Record-breaking heat helps make climate change feel 'real'

National Catholic Reporter board divests company from fossil fuels

Congolese bishops sharpen focus on protecting Congo Basin

Jesuit schools must be environmental justice leaders, dean says

How Pope Francis and Vatican activists helped rein in Big Oil on climate change

EarthBeat Weekly: How can ordinary Catholics live out Laudato Si'?

Sustainable farms show how Catholics can apply Laudato Si' to their daily lives

Hope for justice in a landscape of death

Dialogue demonstrates connections across faith and science

Brooklyn Diocese launches solar energy project in response to 'Laudato Si'

EarthBeat Weekly: Bora woman in Peru honored for fighting against illegal logging and for park

Faith groups back calls for UN special rapporteur for climate and human rights

Faith leaders to meet at Vatican in October to discuss climate change ahead of COP 26

Louisiana Catholic environmental justice activist wins Goldman Prize

President Biden's baffling inconsistency on Alaska drilling

Philippine bishops welcome halt to mega-dam construction project

Climate justice, for the first time ever, is on the G7 agenda
