NCR Voices

Essay raises important questions about Pope Francis' synodal process

Cardinal Burke wasn't 'punished,' he just lost some perks

What is the meaning of Advent in our broken world?

At COP28, short-term changes matter more than long-term goals

Kevin Vallier offers a precise, thoughtful analysis of an unhinged movement

Kevin Vallier's book takes on the rise of integralism

Christianity and organized labor continue to march together

US bishops' meeting is a big snooze

Thomas Merton's wisdom is still timely and prophetic for today's Christians

The US bishops' elections were a mixed bag for 'Team Francis'

Where both Jacob and Hagar are signs of the will of God

Strickland's removal hangs over the US bishops' fall meeting, as it should

Bishops' small groups can help overcome polarization

The ugly, divisive, morally obtuse politics of abortion

15 hidden gems in the synod on synodality report

Pope Francis' approach to theology continues reception of Vatican II

Don't overinterpret special elections tomorrow

Speaker Mike Johnson's biblical worldview is a bit crimped

Pope Francis reminds us — again — to reject clericalism

The synod meeting in Rome is done. What now?
