Guest Voices

Bangalore conference urged church leaders to embrace synodality, listening

3 ways Catholics can work for nuclear disarmament

Vatican's handling of Rupnik case shows church considers women unequal

Twenty years ago, US and Mexican bishops called for immigration reform. It still hasn't happened.

Pell's 'catastrophe' memorandum stains his legacy

My ectopic pregnancy: 'I never want to go through that again'

Traditionalists, reform and women

Hierarchy's sacramental betrayal in abuse scandal obstructs synodality

With Benedict's death, a way opens for formal rules for retired popes

Dolores Curran had the shocking idea that laity might lead in the Catholic Church

If taken seriously, the synodal process could transform race relations in the US church

Let's celebrate the Epiphany with an eye on the future

Debunking myths about Latino vote involves examining religious ideologies

My encounters with Joseph Ratzinger — and Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI, elected a philosopher king, was at heart a German professor

Conservatives can win the debate over Vatican II only by ignoring history

My 14th time to 'start all over again' in Bangladesh

This Christmas, Holy Land Christians need Americans to remember them

Vatican's handling of Jesuit priest shows new dimensions of never-ending abuse crisis

The Catholic case to support NY's human composting bill
