Guest Voices

Conversion to Catholicism shouldn't be a right-wing power play

In synod discussion of women's ordination, the diaconate is neglected

New Rome conference on Gospel nonviolence could serve as push for papal encyclical

Does the pope need an editor?

Bishop Stowe celebrates Pope Francis' renewal of peacemaking in the church

Catholics need to watch our language about immigration

US World Cup team reflects America as it should be

What if the peripheries were really the center that defines the church today?

The confusing path of the US Catholic bishops

US must hold China accountable for targeting Hong Kong Catholics

Catholic bishops punt again on 'Faithful Citizenship,' reflecting divisions on politics

Catholics must embrace anti-racist discipleship and practice

Affirmative action, but only in the womb?

The abuse crisis should be the center of the pope's ongoing synodal process

What's an alternative to the bishops' failed strategy on abortion?

Bishops need to acknowledge collateral damage from Dobbs win

Synod on synodality: Where has it been and where is it going?

For a redemption story, look to the Phillies, not the Astros

A parent's worst nightmare: An active shooter at my daughter's school

The Vatican mentioned calls for women's ordination. Here begins the revolution?
