Religion News Service

By this Author

Faith-based protesters flock to Washington to counter white supremacists

At world's largest refugee camp, trauma victims seek healing in God

Jeff Sessions cleared in church complaint, perplexing some top Methodists

How to read Pennsylvania's grand jury report on clergy sexual abuse

The Russian connection: When Franklin Graham met Putin

Pope Francis pushes Catholics to actively oppose the death penalty

Poll suggests religious freedom push is having an effect

Retired Pope Benedict accused of anti-Semitism after article on Christians and Jews

United Methodists debate, lobby and worry in advance of LGBT decision

What the early church thought about God's gender

Why fewer Americans are attending religious services

Military Bible display at center of religious liberty tussle

How can the church punish bad bishops?

Seeing threat to religious freedom, Jeff Sessions announces special task force

State Department religious freedom summit ends with commitments, critiques

The Catholic Church needs a way to deal with bad bishops

Pence, at religious freedom summit, threatens Turkey over detained US pastor

Brownback opens religious freedom summit with plea to fight persecution

Indonesia passes anti-terrorism law after suicide attacks on churches

Pompeo says Putin summit helps with religious freedom push

