Religion News Service

By this Author

Catholic diocese quits Maine Council of Churches

Europe: Not as secular as you think

Irish vote shows need for new pro-life strategy

How evangelicals teamed up with the White House on prison reform

The (holy) ghost in the machine

Democratic senators fuse faith and politics in appeal to mainline preachers

Francis cardinals make up almost half of electors of next pope

Francis does not see holiness as a simple prospect

Tony Perkins appointed to US panel on international religious freedom

For 40 days in 30 US cities, King's Poor People's Campaign lives again

Pope Francis warns of two paths to holiness

Crochet by African migrants and trauma victims on display in NYC exhibit

Another Catholic priest killed in Central African Republic

From Washington to Wyoming, leaders and locals prepare for prayer day

Trump to sign executive order creating new White House faith-based initiative

Same-sex marriage has support among most American religious groups, study shows

James Cone, 'founder of black liberation theology,' dies at 79

Pope Francis, the spiritual guide

Global religious freedom commission cites 28 key nations for 'ongoing downward trend'

Most Americans believe, but not always in the God of the Bible

