Religion News Service

By this Author

Why the Catholic Church can't move on from the sex abuse crisis

Catholic donor denies he consulted on Viganò allegations against Pope Francis

After bombshell Pennsylvania abuse report, other states launch investigations

With Voting Rights Act weakened, black church networks seek more voters

White House honors evangelicals 'for all the good work they do'

Doubts about Viganò's accusations aside, Pope Francis needs a better response

Africa, home to growing number of Christians and Muslims, contends with atheists, too

To end abortion, don't ban it. Support families instead.

Sen. John McCain: Known as a veteran but also a man of quiet faith

Denominations repent for Native American land grabs

Vatican considers sainthood for Black Elk

Four things the church must do to respond to sex abuse

Critics say pope's comments are both 'bold' and 'too little, too late'

Muslim women poised to change the next Congress

Catholics and lawmakers respond to sex abuse report with dismay, plans for change

Aretha Franklin started with gospel, ended with soul at age 76

Clergy divided as Kenya moves to save forest, evict 40,000 settlers

In central Africa, a cathedral shelters Muslims amid sectarian violence

Pennsylvania grand jury report is a new low for Catholic Church

Labor Department bolsters religious exemptions from nondiscrimination laws

