Religion News Service

By this Author

A campaign to blitz the country with 'In God We Trust' laws takes root

Faith-based agencies open doors to kids separated at the border

At last, bad news is good news in the Catholic sex abuse scandal

Faith-based groups turn up the heat on ICE

King of Jordan wins Templeton Prize for fostering Muslim cooperation

Supreme Court upholds Trump's travel ban

Poor People's Campaign rally ends with vows to keep organizing and protesting

A battle over 'Catholic identity' at Catholic University of America

Facebook vows to fight hate speech, but it may be too late for Rohingya Muslims

Catholic leaders use Religious Freedom Week to highlight social services

Catholic bishops are quick to attack Trump but slow to advise their voters

Trinidad and Tobago Catholics aid Venezuelan migrants amid government crackdown

More than 600 United Methodists file formal church complaint against Jeff Sessions

We must keep fighting to outlaw abortion: A response to Thomas Reese

Cardinal Dolan makes good points but ignores politics of abortion

Fending off the rising right, Bavarian leader puts crosses in state offices

Pope Francis' five loves to combat the ills of today's culture

North Korean detainee speaks about his ordeal

Church suspends sacraments as deadly Ebola outbreak spreads

Catholic University of America faculty vote raises stakes in battle with president

